
If I could only have one lens, it would be the new SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

If I could only have one lens, it would be the new SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

- Tina Brikland Borsheim

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

The other day I got the question: If you could only have one lens - what would it be?

The answer to that question is easy, I would choose the SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art in a heart beat. 

Photo taken with SIGMA 50mm F1.2 DG DN | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

If I could only have one lens I need a lens that can cover all the needs I have when it comes to capturing the moments I want to capture. I need a lens I can use to create my Fine Art portraits in my studio, and I need a lens I can travel with. I also love to capture bits and pieces of nature as well as candid shots of my family. I know, a big ask for just one lens! So how does the new 24-70mm from SIGMA cover all to of his for me?

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

Photo taken with SIGMA 50mm F1.2 DG DN | Art

In Studio

I have a tiny studio where I create Fine Art portraits of my clients, my beautiful boys and where I do my self portraits. I love how versatile the lens is, especially working with children and pets. The zoom gives me the opportunity to capture both beautiful close ups as well as full body shots without moving. That gives me room to be close to my subjects and it's easier for me to have a true connection to the pet or the child. This is super important to me because I want the viewer of the portrait to feel a connection with the model, and how can I make that happen if I don’t have a connection with them myself? 

As you can imagine things happen fast with both children and pets, and I have to be ready to get the shot when the moment is right! The 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art is super fast and I rarely miss focus even with the moving subjects. This is a huge plus! It's such a bummer waiting for the focus to hit and then loosing the shot.

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

Nature, Travels and Family Outings

Even though I’m most comfortable in my studio creating Fine Art portraits I have been spotted a time or two outside in the wild with my camera. Most likely hunched over to capture something small and beautiful that’s stopped me in my tracks, a flower or maybe an insect. And it's the love for the little details in nature as well as Fine Art portraits that makes the 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art the lens I would choose if I could only have one!

As in the studio the zoom is super versatile. Under you can see a photo I took of a flower at different focal lengths. I’m sitting in the same spot for both of them, all the settings are the same. But the ability to zoom gives me the opportunity to create two very different photographs. Being lazy I absolutely love this! I’m really not a nature photographer, but I love capturing these little moments from my life. They are like little treasures. Small insights in how I look at nature and all the beautiful little details I see. 

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

Shooting at F2.8 at 70mm gives me those amazing close ups with a small depth of field and the most dreamy bokeh. Of course I do edit my photographs, they are small pieces of art after all. But this lens gives me the perfect starting point! SIGMA has really done an amazing job with this lens, it's super fast, light, silent and tack sharp. 

The versatility and the low light capacity also makes this lens a really good travel companion. It doesn’t take much room in your bag, and the zoom is really helpful in tight places like trains or plains. Or if you want to capture those beautiful old cobblestone alleys in medieval cities in Italy or Spain. Or maybe the black beaches of Iceland? Using the zoom you could even take a beautiful landscape picture of the Icelandic highlands with Icelandic horses AND an amazing up close portrait of an Icelandic horse without even moving! I know I would!

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art

So to sum it up!

The SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art is nothing but amazing, and so versatile! If I could only have one lens in my bag, this would definitely be it! 

Tina Brikland Borsheim
Fine Art Photographer & SIGMA Nordic Ambassador

Tina Brikland Borsheim is a professional fine art photographer located near Stavanger in Norway.
Tina sees herself not just as a photographer, but as an artist. She creates art and truly believes that everyone is deserving of having beautiful artwork of them selves or their loved ones printed big on their walls. Self portraits are a huge part of Tinas artistic journey. It was during the process of creating a portrait for herself she really found her voice as an artist. And for the first time she had a portrait where she felt beautiful. She really wants her clients to feel the same, and loves creating artwork for them to cherish for the rest of their lives.

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